Following the Borgia
"Discover the legacy of the Borgia through this cultural tourism travel guide based on the lineage of this family of universal impact."
"Borja/Borgia: itinerary of a universal family" is a cultural tourism guide that brings together biographies, stories of the time, cities, places and cultural proposals, which value the story and history of this family of Valencian origin, of undoubted international attraction.
Discover the routes and their stories
We invite you to discover characters, stories, places and facts related to the lineage of the Borja family.
The Borgia
Cesare Borgia and Viana
On the night of March 12th, 1507, during a great storm, Cesare Borgia, general captain of the Navarrese armies, ordered the removal of the sentinels that guarded the approaches to Viana, a circumstance that the Count of Lerín took advantage of to help his troops with food. Supporters, including his son, defended the castle of Viana. Realizing the situation, Cesare rushed out of the Solana door ...
What to see
Castle of Beatriz de Borja (Castellnovo)
This is a castle of Roman origin rebuilt during the Muslim domination, from which the name of new castle or Castellnou would ...
Cities to visit

Cesare Borgia died in the vicinity of Viana, whose remains rest in the portico of the church of Santa María.
What to see

Appartamento Borgia (Roma)
Alexander VI restructured these spaces for his own use in the heart of the Vatican rooms.
The Borgia

Alexander VI
His figure, reviled by history, is a fundamental part of the legend woven around the Borgia lineage.
What to see
Palau Ducal dels Borja (Gandia)
Residence of the Dukes of Gandia and birthplace of Saint Francisco de Borja.
The Borgia

Saint Francisco de Borja
His life of humility and the greatness he had renounced caused admiration at the time.
The Borgia
Cities to visit
Xàtiva, which had a bishopric in the Visigothic period, acquired great splendor with the Muslim domination, being ...
What to see
Castel Nuovo (Nápoles)
Imposing fortress and royal residence, which preserves the magnificent triumphal arch commemorating the entrance of Alfonso the Magnanimous in Naples.
What to see

Castillo de Sant'Angelo (Roma)
Alexander VI, who undertook several reforms, used it as a prison and as a personal refuge.
Cultural proposal
La Valencia de los Borja
Pese a sus orígenes aragoneses que los situaban en la comarca zaragozana de Campo de Borja, la familia Borja pasó ...
Cities to visit

Lucrezia Borgia found herself in one of the first modern cities of the Renaissance, with a cultured and luxurious court.
The Borgia
The Borgia

Lucrezia Borgia
Victim of tragedies associated with her father's political interests, she piously ended her life as Duchess of Ferrara.